(病了好幾天, 似是 stomach flu, 又疴又吐, 周圍好多人都染上了, 也不知是否 H1N1, 混身不舒服, 還好沒高燒, 醫生指示高燒時去急症室, 測定是否 H1N1 中招, 沒高燒就留在家內養病...每年這時侯總會染上點病痛, 殘餘的一年最後幾曰總是淒淡地渡過去的... )
又已是 new year eve 了, 海角那端已是新的一年開始了 (已看到了 Mabel 姐 2010年1月1日0晨的blog了, 煙花 Auld Lang Syne 之餘大概都己沉睡在新年的新的夢境中了...), 這邊還留著十數小時可給這一年, 這2000年代的十年去總結一下, 備一杯汽水代香檳給自己感慨一下...
好快過去了的2000年代的十年, 自 2000年 High Tech Bubble 至 9/11, 給著實結束了自己埋了身的九十年代的事業, 倒有了時間周遊了不少地方, 更可逛遊在網絡中找尋到不少知識思維, 找著了隱敞多年的自我, 性情、思維在這十年中變遷了不少, 雖還背負著沉重的包袱, 卻看到了意想不到的新天地, 心境竟意外地平靜淡然...
今晚, 是 new year eve, 也是 eve of new decade, 10年代的開端, 但為甚麽用上了"eve"??
Dürer, Albrecht "Adam and Eve" Oil on panel 1507
查一下 eve 的來源, Eve 是 聖經中 Adam and Eve, 人的始祖, Eve (Hebrew: חַוָּה, Ḥavvāh; Arabic: حواء, Hawwa; Ge'ez: Hiywan; "living one" or "source of life", from Hebrew ḥawwâ, "living", "life", from ḥāyâ, "to live"; ultimately from the Semitic root ḥyw ) 是人生的源頭、是被引誘吃禁果而開竅了人類, 禁果, a fruit of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, 不吃禁果, 人類還祇不過是依甸園中一件展覧品, 生命的價值到底在於擁有那知性...
新的一年, eve 象徵新生的開端, 西方文化中好矛盾的用辭, 仰是蓄意對聖經宗教的藐視?
Wiki 中還提到很別緻的一段古:
After her creation, Adam names his companion Woman, "because she was taken out of Man." "Therefore a man leaves his father and his mother and cleaves to his wife, and they become one flesh." A Jewish book called The Alphabet of Ben-Sira entered Europe from the East in the 6th century A.D. In it, the delighted rabbis read that Lilith, not Eve, was Adam's first wife, created at the same time and from the same dust. Claiming to be thus created equal, she refused to sleep or serve "under him." When Adam tried to force her into the "inferior" position, she flew away from Eden into the air, where she copulated with demons, conceiving hundreds more each day. God sent three angels after her, who threatened to kill her brood if she refused to return to Adam. But she did refuse. So God made Eve from Adam's rib to be his "second wife."
又一則自古猶太教、天主教以褒貶 性與女性 以維持男權宗教的權威...
真是... new year eve 卻去寫無謂的宗教, 大概還是有點發燒...
又已是 new year eve 了, 海角那端已是新的一年開始了 (已看到了 Mabel 姐 2010年1月1日0晨的blog了, 煙花 Auld Lang Syne 之餘大概都己沉睡在新年的新的夢境中了...), 這邊還留著十數小時可給這一年, 這2000年代的十年去總結一下, 備一杯汽水代香檳給自己感慨一下...
好快過去了的2000年代的十年, 自 2000年 High Tech Bubble 至 9/11, 給著實結束了自己埋了身的九十年代的事業, 倒有了時間周遊了不少地方, 更可逛遊在網絡中找尋到不少知識思維, 找著了隱敞多年的自我, 性情、思維在這十年中變遷了不少, 雖還背負著沉重的包袱, 卻看到了意想不到的新天地, 心境竟意外地平靜淡然...
今晚, 是 new year eve, 也是 eve of new decade, 10年代的開端, 但為甚麽用上了"eve"??
Dürer, Albrecht "Adam and Eve" Oil on panel 1507
查一下 eve 的來源, Eve 是 聖經中 Adam and Eve, 人的始祖, Eve (Hebrew: חַוָּה, Ḥavvāh; Arabic: حواء, Hawwa; Ge'ez: Hiywan; "living one" or "source of life", from Hebrew ḥawwâ, "living", "life", from ḥāyâ, "to live"; ultimately from the Semitic root ḥyw ) 是人生的源頭、是被引誘吃禁果而開竅了人類, 禁果, a fruit of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, 不吃禁果, 人類還祇不過是依甸園中一件展覧品, 生命的價值到底在於擁有那知性...
新的一年, eve 象徵新生的開端, 西方文化中好矛盾的用辭, 仰是蓄意對聖經宗教的藐視?
Wiki 中還提到很別緻的一段古:
After her creation, Adam names his companion Woman, "because she was taken out of Man." "Therefore a man leaves his father and his mother and cleaves to his wife, and they become one flesh." A Jewish book called The Alphabet of Ben-Sira entered Europe from the East in the 6th century A.D. In it, the delighted rabbis read that Lilith, not Eve, was Adam's first wife, created at the same time and from the same dust. Claiming to be thus created equal, she refused to sleep or serve "under him." When Adam tried to force her into the "inferior" position, she flew away from Eden into the air, where she copulated with demons, conceiving hundreds more each day. God sent three angels after her, who threatened to kill her brood if she refused to return to Adam. But she did refuse. So God made Eve from Adam's rib to be his "second wife."
又一則自古猶太教、天主教以褒貶 性與女性 以維持男權宗教的權威...
真是... new year eve 卻去寫無謂的宗教, 大概還是有點發燒...