“I know I am meant to be a female”: Fion's road from HE to SHE
http://tyr.journalism.hkbu.edu.hk/ ( -> "people" section)

家庭中好熟稔的姐妹, 有照片錄像, 也無需無謂介紹了. 遙祝她新生的開始, 好艱苦踏出了這一大步. 還記得她幾年前首次在家庭中露面, 靦腆地似在問路; 想說, 小女孩, 勿去闖那條路噢...
Mabel姐問小如, 有否曾想會變性? 當然想過, 卻是好久好久前了, 還祇是想得太多了...
(延伸自 "微笑" )
“I know I am meant to be a female”: Fion's road from HE to SHE

家庭中好熟稔的姐妹, 有照片錄像, 也無需無謂介紹了. 遙祝她新生的開始, 好艱苦踏出了這一大步. 還記得她幾年前首次在家庭中露面, 靦腆地似在問路; 想說, 小女孩, 勿去闖那條路噢...
Mabel姐問小如, 有否曾想會變性? 當然想過, 卻是好久好久前了, 還祇是想得太多了...
(延伸自 "微笑" )
Fion = Miss P !?
回覆刪除p.s. 文不想在家庭中張揚...
回覆刪除越來越漂亮,祝願之後的人生更燦爛~ :)
回覆刪除she just never happy isn't she?
回覆刪除dear sasa,
回覆刪除thank you for your look at my interview and your sincere concern, which reallly gives me encouragement and makes me feel warm.
surely i have many to worry about, myself, my family, and many others.
not everyone can be as fortunate as you to stick a smile on the face all day. you are lucky, you have such a right, but please also respect the right to worry. please find out that worry is not equal to sadness, likely, suffering to miserable.
who say "i never happy"? those noisy ones in the hkcdf? plesae listen to me: i am a lucky ts who has an above-average face and body and most importantly the voice, a compassionate and supportive family, a true-hearted boyfriend, and hundreds of fans from schools and forum supporters. i am so happy that i pray to thank god not only once, yet i am still worrying and depressed, why?
it is because i am too lucky that i cannot enjoy it myself secretly. i know many of us suffer from their age, body, family, especially family. if they are just heartless to parents, many of them can reach their dream easily. they stay at their torturing body and give up their only dream in life, not becasue they hate each others, but love. it is real tragedy. if i am a lucky ts and the one who knows why some are lucky and some are not, i wish i can share with people. this is useless to post-op cuz they have just merged into, but it help pre-op much, who is stil suffering, that i used to be. if such a lucky me do not give them help, it will be too selfish that i cannot forgive myself.
my dad was a physician and mama was a teacher. in the growth of new china they sacrifice their youth and future for the people. they were the vanguard of my motherland. i am always glory as their son. sasa knows the meaning of "son" in a chinese society? not just a gender or a heritance of surname or tie of blood, but mainly the glory of family. now, what i can do for dad and mama is to glory them by continuing their career. if they cured peoples' body and taught the children, the i may want to cure the heart and teach the parents. it is what i can to for them, a son's responsibility, which i would bear on my shoulder even if i were a genius gal. no one may know fion is their son, but they understand, and this will be enouogh.
facing the real world, the cruel reality, i have to reach some requirements if i am to make my wish true. my face makes me worry, sure, but not for myself, but for my wish. if i am to be a gal next door and no one knows i am a ts, my face is enough for me to live confidently. but to be an artist, i have to make a step more, and for this step, i am willing to pay all i have.
wylie laughes at me: 又要手術又要整容又要還錢. this just shows his sight of a well-frog. no one can suceed without sacrifice, and sacrifice doesnt mean "unhappy". anyone who struggle and pay for their ideal, they will naturally feel contented, no matter how hard it is. oppositely, if someone takes everything easy, refuses to face any difficulties, he may lead a happy life, but never a meaningful one. when life is so light, unbearably light, it is not the kind of "happy" i am looking for
we have a very famous saying that sasa should have heard:先天下之憂而憂 後天下之樂而樂, 不以物喜, 不以己悲, this is what i am doing. of cuz, the chance of realising my wish is little, but i will try all my best for it, and if it is done, i will be happy to die on the next day, no regrets.
good luck as always... miss P!
回覆刪除enough said....
good luck as always... miss P!
回覆刪除enough said....
祝你好運啦..../好自為之啦.... p小姐!
i write to you with my true heart and now it is what i get.
unless it isnt what you mean or i have translated wrong... i am very dissappointed, hurted, like being betrayed by a friend.
wylie and his gang are really badly infuencing.... "miss p" from your mouth, it breaks my heart....
anyway, thx, and goodbye
lo so said: "oh! my god!..... anyway...."
回覆刪除Sasa姐的恬淡隨便, Bonbon的倔強坦蕩, 都是小如好欣賞的朋友, 有緣來到小如這裏落格, 能感到大家一絲心思、一點心意, 又何必執著於一些錯覺誤會...太簡短的意見、太繁雜的文句, 或是太長久的沉默, 都會是交流時的敞病, 但至多是工具運用上的缺陷, 勿太認真了, 要緊的是我們心靈上需要的有些安慰、同情...
回覆刪除對不起希文, 沒問妳就轉載了這張照在這裏, 好傳神的照相, 捕捉了那倔強憂慮的眼神 (好啦, 不是憂傷 unhappy, 是憂慮 worrying ), 放在這裏可以看多幾眼嘛...
小如 sister is so cool! ;)