"The Adventures of Priscilla..", Drag Queen, CD and etc
故事: 三個 Drag Queen 結伴駕駛部大巴(名為Priscilla)跨越澳洲沙漠去 Outback 的 Alice Spring 表演 Drag Show, 延途的一些遭遇, 從中敘述每個主角的歷程心思 . . . 很受異端人仕歡迎的一部cult movie.
[ DRAG - DRess As Girl ...]
三個主角: Bernadette - Terence Stamp (Star Wars 中演 General Zod 那個) 演年邁的 ts, 硬板滄桑的面容, 穿著軟弱的女服, 悲嘆尋找人生的歸宿 . . .
Tick - Hugo Weaving (後來演 The Matrix 中的Agent Smith, 戴黑超黑衣的硬板面空, 印象深刻) 演個中年的gay, 沉重內疚那類, 曾結過婚有個兒子在 Alice Spring 那邊, 這旅程是他暗中想補償過去與對"親人"、對自己的無奈心結的解脫
Adam - Guy Pearce (L.A.Confidential內與Russell Crowe, Kevin Spacey 演性格警探拍擋) 演的是典型、誇張、flamboyant 那類gay, 代表還年青還能胡混的時侯, 以自己邊緣人的一點自我意態, 酗酒招搖, 最後還是靠成熟的車友去解救...
三個格格不入大男人式性格演員扮的 Drac Queen, 浪蕩地烏合一起於一部舊bus闖進空曠寂莫的沙漠路上, 和著Abba等 的舊歌, 繽紛誇張的服置 ('94 Best Costume Design Oscar), 那 Drac show 卻是異常的熱鬧、艷麗、湊合, 稱著延路的景色, 竟稱托得格外驚駭特異 (核突?)

80-90年代, 美國、澳洲西方跨性別文化大部份還是一種誇張的 Drag Show, 絕對誇耀的Drag Queen 總是走在 Gay Pride Parade 前端, 是"人妖"的寫實、是開放? 是自謔式的解脫? . . . 自己在這異地要面對的是與這種誇張怪誕的行為去認同, 感到恐駭難過 -- 自己會穿成這樣, 以如此心態衣妝, come-out 於這 parade 前嗎?
要不是那種濃妝豔抹性感得可怕的Drac Queen, 要麽就那種电視中極度誇張譏謔的女性動作的gay, 生活在這種環境意識中, 對自己的cd行為慾念、心態, 是種難究的 contradiction . . .
看完 Priscilla, 心情沉重, 複雜的自我、過去的印照, 想寫寫不出那般情結, 祇有去重温"Om Shanti Om", 沉醉那熱鬧繽紛中的超現賓, brain reset, 忘卻煩惱 . . .
(重新編輯幾次, 仍是亂七八糟, 唉. . . 不過也算是一個記錄、介紹罷 . . .)
"The Adventures of Priscilla Queen of the Desert"

1994 103 min
directed by Stephan Elliot
Terence Stamp, Hugo Weaving, Guy Pearce
** 幾部以 transgender 為題材的電影: (from www.superlimininal.com)
Soap, En (2006) Tranny slice-of-life movie. Touching love between a transsexual woman and a genetic woman both floundering and helping each other.
Transamerica (2005) Feliclity Huffman gives an Oscar-worthy performance of a transwoman reconciling her past on the eve of her final surgery.
Wild Side (2004) Transsexual actor Stéphanie Michelini gives an extremely intimate portrayal of some of the joys and difficulties of being transgendered.
Beautiful Boxer (2003) True story of the public transition of a Thai boxer.
Normal (2003) Reasonably realistic story of a man transitioning within marriage.
Badge, The (2002) Mysterious death of a transsexual woman. Somewhat educational look at what it means to be transgendered in America.
Cockettes, The (2002) Good documentary on a early San Francisco drag phenomenon.
Venus Boyz (2002) A fascenating glimpse into the worlds of drag kings and female-to-male transsexuals.
Hedwig and the Angry Inch (2001) By far my favorite TG movie
Princesa (2001) Extremely realistic look at the life of a typical transsexual sex worker. Respectfully shows that being non-op is an acceptable choice.
Southern Comfort (2001) Excellent documentary on transsexual lives and relationships featuring a beautiful relationship between an MTF and a FTM.
Wonder Boys (2000) Contains a transgender minor character as the girlfriend of the character played by Robert Downey Jr. Notable in that her TG status doesn't become an issue or a joke.
Better Than Chocolate (1999) Nice, little story with a transgender character who's just another character.
Boys Don't Cry (1999) Very big and excellent biography of FTM transgender Brandon Teena.
Flawless (1999) Realistic story underscores the common humanity of a drag queen as discovered by a redneck character played by Robert DeNiro.
All About My Mother (Todo sobre mi madre) (1999) Just a fun movie involving a family member who has transitioned.
Ma vie en rose (1997) A touching story about a feminine boy who resists societal conditioning to be masculine.
Different for Girls (1996) A story of deep friendship.
To Wong Foo, Thanks for Everything, Julie Newmar (1995) Drag queen road movie. Not very deep but who can resist watching Wesley Snipes and Patrick Swayze in drag!
Wigstock: The Movie (1995) Penetrating documentary into the lives of drag queens.
Adventures of Priscilla, Queen of the Desert, The (1994) A classic road movie with non-classic travelers.
M. Butterfly (1993) An amazingly good film.
Crying Game, The (1992) Love among the trannies.
Just Like a Woman (1992) Realistic look at some of the personal problems experienced by transgenders.
Orlando (1992) A rather boring movie IMHO, but main character experiences life from both sides and is therefore notable.
Prelude to a Kiss (1992) Another movie where people experience life from both sides, but this one is fun, sensitive, and romantic.
Switch (1991) Another died-and-sent-back-to-earth-fix-mistakes movie but with a twist: He's got to do it in a woman's body. Very funny.
Rocky Horror Picture Show, The (1975) Classic cult rock musical. Completely replaced by Hedwig (IMO) but lots of fun and great music.
I Want What I Want (1972) A very early look at the subject of sex-change. Poor movie and completely unrealistic but interesting historically.
Myra Breckinridge (1970) Main character changes her sex to exact revenge. Movie techniques are far ahead of their time.
我也有想寫關於TG電影的念頭,被小如搶先一步,我不依哦~呵呵呵! :D
回覆刪除情感, 可寫不盡的呵, 電影, 衹是很好的催情劑... 等待著 Mabel姐 的感情澎漲啊!
回覆刪除香港好像沒甚有關 ts 題材的电影, 印象中, 較接近衹有王家衛導的"春光乍洩", 哥哥演得極情真, 看後好沉重...