Google "gender identity test" 找到些網上測試, 探測自己性別取向...
TSRoadMap ( http://www.tsroadmap.com/mental/gendertests.html ) 中有頗詳盡中肯介紹幾個較普遍的性向測試:
Combined Gender Identity And Transsexuality Inventory by Jennifer Diane Reitz
網上測試與計分連接: http://transsexual.org/cogiati_english.html
(中譯版 http://www.geocities.com/WestHollywood/Salon/1492/cog_test.htm 艾絲姑娘 )
自己得分: Your COGIATI result value is: 30
65題五組選擇答題, 大多不外是典型男女行為思維 (男生愛數理, 女生愛文科, 男生野, 女生靜...), 很多答案很易左右自己分數, 不過還是盡本分去答, 得分算是"中性", 倒還較正確顯示出自己性向, 嗯...性無別!
Bern Sex Role Inventory by Sandra Lipsitz Bern '74
(嗯... 找到一個免費的, 做完後卻找不到原本連接網址, 衹好把剪接下來的Notes放此...)
拿60個形容字探述自己, 給自己打分(1-7, 1 最不適合, 7 最合稱):
Group 1 / Group 2 / Group 3
1. self reliant 2. yielding 3. helpful
4. defends own beliefs 5. cheerful 6. moody
7. independent 8. shy 9. conscientious
10. athletic 11. affectionate 12. theatrical
13. assertive 14. flatterable 15. happy
16. strong personality 17. loyal 18. unpredictable
19. forceful 20. feminine 21. reliable
22. analytical 23. sympathetic 24. jealous
25. leadership ability 26. sensitive to other's needs 27. truthful
28. willing to take risks 29. understanding 30. secretive
31. makes decisions easily 32. compassionate 33. sincere
34. self-sufficient 35. eager to soothe hurt feelings 36. conceited
37. dominant 38. soft spoken 39. likable
40. masculine 41. warm 42. solemn
43. willing to take a stand 44. tender 45. friendly
46. aggressive 47. gullible 48. inefficient
49. acts as a leader 50. childlike 51. adaptable
52. individualistic 53. does not use harsh language 54. unsystematic
55. competitive 56. loves children 57. tactful
58. ambitious 59. gentle 60. conventional
(第一組加起來是masculine, 第二組是feminine, 第三組湊為中性字句)
自己得分: masculine point : 42
feminine point: 74
androgynous (neutral) point: 66
還是遍向"中性" !
The Moir-Jessel Brain Sex Test
沒做完, 太典型心理化了...
The SAGE Test
與 COGIATI 相似, 大概已能猜到想要的分數了...
"Gender tests don't tell you anything you don't already know deep down"
TSRoadMap ( http://www.tsroadmap.com/mental/gendertests.html ) 中有頗詳盡中肯介紹幾個較普遍的性向測試:
Combined Gender Identity And Transsexuality Inventory by Jennifer Diane Reitz
網上測試與計分連接: http://transsexual.org/cogiati_english.html
(中譯版 http://www.geocities.com/WestHollywood/Salon/1492/cog_test.htm 艾絲姑娘 )
自己得分: Your COGIATI result value is: 30
65題五組選擇答題, 大多不外是典型男女行為思維 (男生愛數理, 女生愛文科, 男生野, 女生靜...), 很多答案很易左右自己分數, 不過還是盡本分去答, 得分算是"中性", 倒還較正確顯示出自己性向, 嗯...性無別!
Bern Sex Role Inventory by Sandra Lipsitz Bern '74
(嗯... 找到一個免費的, 做完後卻找不到原本連接網址, 衹好把剪接下來的Notes放此...)
拿60個形容字探述自己, 給自己打分(1-7, 1 最不適合, 7 最合稱):
Group 1 / Group 2 / Group 3
1. self reliant 2. yielding 3. helpful
4. defends own beliefs 5. cheerful 6. moody
7. independent 8. shy 9. conscientious
10. athletic 11. affectionate 12. theatrical
13. assertive 14. flatterable 15. happy
16. strong personality 17. loyal 18. unpredictable
19. forceful 20. feminine 21. reliable
22. analytical 23. sympathetic 24. jealous
25. leadership ability 26. sensitive to other's needs 27. truthful
28. willing to take risks 29. understanding 30. secretive
31. makes decisions easily 32. compassionate 33. sincere
34. self-sufficient 35. eager to soothe hurt feelings 36. conceited
37. dominant 38. soft spoken 39. likable
40. masculine 41. warm 42. solemn
43. willing to take a stand 44. tender 45. friendly
46. aggressive 47. gullible 48. inefficient
49. acts as a leader 50. childlike 51. adaptable
52. individualistic 53. does not use harsh language 54. unsystematic
55. competitive 56. loves children 57. tactful
58. ambitious 59. gentle 60. conventional
(第一組加起來是masculine, 第二組是feminine, 第三組湊為中性字句)
自己得分: masculine point : 42
feminine point: 74
androgynous (neutral) point: 66
還是遍向"中性" !
The Moir-Jessel Brain Sex Test
沒做完, 太典型心理化了...
The SAGE Test
與 COGIATI 相似, 大概已能猜到想要的分數了...
"Gender tests don't tell you anything you don't already know deep down"